Where to Report
It can be hard to figure out where to report alleged abuse or misconduct. At The Rex Project, we have a collection of reporting experiences (and pitfalls) and empathize with just how exhausting it can be to merely figure out who you can report to. We are here with you and are working on building out the directory below to help guide you on where you can report alleged abuse or misconduct for your specific sport(s).
Please note that the information below only addresses reporting options within club sports and that it does not cover mandated reporting requirements, nor the reporting requirements a sport’s governing body may have of its adult participants. It is important to know that, if you are a mandated reporter, reporting to your sport’s governing body and/or to SafeSport does not fulfill any legal state or federal reporting requirements. To learn more about state-by-state mandated reporting requirements, please visit www.childwelfare.gov.
If you are participating in a school sport, you may not be able to make a report to your sport’s governing body or to SafeSport if the person you’re reporting is not licensed by your sport’s governing body. You may, however, be able to make a report to your school’s athletic department and/or to your school’s Title IX office. If you’re unsure about reporting or who to report to locally, a trained mental health therapist, trained domestic violence worker, trained medical professional or an abuse hotline can all be helpful resources for talking through potential options and next steps.
Lastly, know that you do not need to make a report for your experience to be valid. You do not need an investigation for your experience to be valid. You do not need a governing body to rule that the abuse or misconduct happened for your experience to be valid. Making a report can be really painful; it can be really liberating; it can feel dehumanizing; it can feel empowering. Making a report is your decision and no matter what you decide or what the outcome is, know that we are with you, you are stronger than you may feel broken, and that you are a valuable human no matter what has happened to you.
Select a sport below to learn more about it’s reporting options. We are in the process of adding more sports to this page, but in the meantime, please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions about who/where you can report to!