American Football
Football within the US is governed by USA Football (USAFB). Because football is not an Olympic sport, SafeSport does not have jurisdiction over it and thus, they are unable to accept reports of alleged abuse and misconduct.
Athletes, parents, and other participants may report their concerns of abuse or other misconduct to USAFB Staff.
If USAFB Staff receive a report of alleged child sexual abuse by a colleague or a co-worker, they must report it to their immediate supervisor, a USA Football senior executive, and where applicable, appropriate law enforcement officials.
If USAFB Staff receive a report of abuse or misconduct that is not reportable to law enforcement officials (such as grooming), USAFB Staff is responsible for reporting it to their immediate supervisor and a USA Football senior executive.
USAFB allows reporting to be done anonymously, in-person, verbally or through a written report. You may choose to use USAFB’s Incident Report Form (refer to pgs. 31 & 32). If you’d like to report anonymously, you may complete USAFB’s Incident Report Form without including your name or by otherwise anonymously communicating your concerns to USAFB Staff.
It should be noted that all suspicions of child physical or sexual abuse will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
To learn more about USAFB athlete protection, you can visit their webpage here.