All genders across all sports can be effected by disordered eating.
Disordered Eating & Abuse
You can not tell if someone is struggling with disordered eating just by their appearance or how much they weigh.
Behaviors that Cause Disordered Eating
Disordered eating is a reaction to stress.
While eating disorders have many different causes, they can develop as a way to strengthen one’s feeling of control, to numb out emotions, or in an attempt to improve performance.
Disordered eating is an answer.
An answer to constant pressure to change your weight. An answer to meet the standards of the person who you put all of your trust into. An answer to find a way to feel like you still hold even a miniscule amount of power over your own body when someone is doing their best to take it away from you.
Behaviors that promote disordered eating can be the abuse.
Disordered eating can be the result of abuse.
Or both.
No one eating disorder looks the same.
If you or someone you know are struggling with disordered eating, seek out professional help from a nutritionist and/or a medical doctor. Your coach is neither a nutritionist nor a doctor and are not qualified to give you an opinion on the food you need or try to “cure” your disordered eating themselves. Your coach may be able to provide a limited amount of support, but this should only be done in addition to a trained medical provider.